Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just Move It Already

For reasons too complicated to explain, we have had our super, extra large shop vac parked in our basement.   Moreover, said appliance, with accompanying extension cords and hose attachments, was sitting smack dab in the middle of the doorway we use to access our laundry room. Because I had the ability to, I could squeeze by it with a hamper full of laundry, with my back pressed against the door jamb as I carefully stepped in and around the necessary cords and attachments.  In my good moments it was merely an annoyance;  it my not-so-good moments it was cause for some fairly creative cursing. . .er, wordsmithing.

Finally, after several days of this. it hit me:   I should just move it already!

Here's the thing,  I believe that talented leaders have the ability for great accommodation.  Creativity, flexibility to changing business environments and the ability to see problems from different angles enable us to expand our careers and our businesses by accommodating difficult situations.   There is a time, however, when accommodation no longer suits the situation and we need to "just move it already."

  • The challenging team member.  It is a great ability to use different management styles to work with various team members; and then there are team members who really need to be coached and/or moved out of their positions.   This is one of the more difficult tasks that a manager has to face, but for the good of the entire team, it has to be done.
  • The difficult conversation you've been avoiding with a peer and/or boss.  There are issues that just get "stuck" and probably the only person who is going to move these issues along is you.    It often takes a remarkable amount of courage and skill, but if you strategize, you will find ways to present the case tactfully, yet with impact.
  • The business opportunity/challenge that just sits there.   These can either be "elephants in the room" or massive opportunities for growth, but because people are going around them (often because they are just too daunting to address), versus utilizing the power they represent, opportunities for greater business growth go unrealized.
  • Personal career growth.  Perhaps you have been unhappy in your present position for a prolonged period of time.  No one is going to fix that for you; instead, you need to be able to move yourself forward in a positive search for a more satisfying position.
  • And then there are the little things: filing, expense reports, paperwork that have been ignored so long they have just become irritants and detractors.   Much as we may dislike doing these things, they need to be done not only for the sake of the business but for our own  professional sanity.

You can either continue to move around these issues, causing you (and probably those that work with you) consternation. . .or just take care of them through a constructive course of action.

The latter will provide you with a much happier and fulfilling New Year!

Brent Frerichs is the author of "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders," available on Kindle:

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