Thursday, July 10, 2014

Leap of Faith

The ordered norm of business is such:   goal, strategy and tactics.    There are times in business. . .and in life. . .when the ordered norm is thrown into a blender of chaos:  a crisis arises, an unexpected hitch occurs or you are called upon to do the seemingly impossible (how the hell am I supposed to do THAT!?!   And how soon!?!).

Those times, you need to take a leap of faith. . .meaning you pretty much know where you are headed - but tactically, you may not have a clue.   Shoot, you may even need to try things that are unproven.   All you can do is solidly place one foot ahead of the other and keep moving forward toward the goal.

It is an act of faith. . .and not the kind of faith that is blind, but is founded in the resources that surround you.    These, then, are the elements that should be your best partners when you need to move forward in a time of uncertainty.

Surround yourself with good people.  Absolutely essential.  You cannot win without a good team.

Know that your philosophical core is solid.  Integrity.  Honesty.  Loyalty.   If your core belief structure is solid. . .you are stronger and can do much more, and take greater risks, than you realize.

Have confidence that you are centered.  Foundationally, you need to  feel that you are able to make tough and quick decisions, you need to know that you are emotionally balanced to deal with uncertainty and you must have trust in your ability to keep yourself nurtured and stable. . .people are depending on you.

Know that not everything you do is going to be right.   No one is perfect - you're not going to do everything right. . .but your intent will be honest.   Don't suffer from the malady of inaction just to assure that everything is perfect.

Know your business and know your team.   To have a strong working knowledge of the important elements of your business. . .and the strengths and weaknesses of your team. . .gives you the ability to build good solutions. . .quickly.

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My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, tablets and PCs from Amazon Kindle.

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