Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Everything and the Kitchen Sink" Management

The commonly used phraseology "everything but the kitchen sink" is inadequate for how some managers lead because they try to throw everything AND the kitchen sink at whatever initiative they are tackling.

We've all seen this.  Management lacks a distinct point of view; in lieu, they attempt every tactic known to man.   The reasoning goes something like this. . ."Well, it doesn't hurt to try. . ."

Listen, I'm as big of a believer as anyone in trial and experimentation.   I'm also a believer in a strategy that is reflective of a point of view.   So, when I hear someone say, in defense of doing a whole bunch of things without rhyme or reason, "Well, it doesn't hurt to try. . ." I have to reply that yes. . .yes it does.

Lacking strategy is lacking direction. . .and that is demoralizing.   It's rudderless.    The team becomes keenly aware that they are merely floating from one idea to the next.

It's a waste  of time;  while the kitchen sink manager is meandering from one idea to the next. . .the manager with strategy is executing, correcting direction and getting further ahead.

And then there is the issue of money.    The start-up of each new idea costs money. . .and when one is idea surfing, the return on the start-up investment is nil.

Finally, let's talk about being the  "master of none.".  A team cannot be expected to be expert when they are constantly juggling a series of new ideas.   Failure of leaders to edit action points (or more egregiously, keep piling  tactic upon tactic) is a key reason why teams fail to become skillful at what they are doing.

What's better?    Focus on the few, important ideas that will grow and sustain the business - the team can then become knowledgeable, skillful and accomplished on these tactics. . .and in the process, achieve their goals.  Seriously, if you're trying to do everything and the kitchen sink. . there isn't room for the team to grow. . .or to have success.

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My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, PCs and tablets from Amazon Kindle.

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