Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Lose Weight at Work

So, the New Year's goals include, maybe. . .weight loss?    Here you go.

Perhaps you complain, like many of us, of the amount of time that you are tied to your desk slaving to the computer.

So seriously, get out of your chair already!  Your body will be happier,  your mind will be refreshed and bonus (!) you will be a better leader.

First of all, if just keep sitting at your chair, staring at the same old work on the same old computer screen. . .you're probably losing the dimensionality of your work.    You begin looking at things the same old way because, well. . .you're literally looking at things the same  old way.

I find that if I'm stuck or tired or just over it, it often helps to get up and go for a walk.   By getting away from my desk, and getting into a new venue, I find I start to look at things in new ways.   When I get back to my desk I'm ready to go  and ultimately am more productive.

There are other reasons to get up out of your chair. . .and most of those reasons revolve around improving your effectiveness by building better relationships.   My view is that if you are relying on e-mail, texts, and messaging to build professional partnerships. . .those partnerships are probably as shallow as the vehicles by which you are communicating.

Get out of your chair and talk to people face to face.   Listen,  e-mail is great for communicating information but it doesn't build relationships.   If you are having a face to face, you are getting so much more information:   intonation, body language, the chance to explain a statement which you instantly know was misunderstood.

Then there's the fact that you are taking the effort to go see another person.   That is indicative to the individual that they truly are important to you and you are interested in fostering an even better business relationship.     Bonus:   because you are having a face to face, the conversation may stray (and that's okay) to other facets,  providing you with a greater opportunity to communicate your priorities and learning what's important to your professional partner.

(And let's go one step - or in this case, many miles - further.   It just may be worth the airline ticket to go see the individual with whom you are trying to do business.    There is only so much that can be accomplished through long distance communications.)

Getting out of your chair is not a waste of time - instead, I find that it  makes one more efficient with their use of time.    Besides, you burn a few calories - and that's a good thing.

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My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, tablets and PCs on Amazon Kindle.

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