Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Challenging Those Things that Make Us "Good" People

At our core, most of us are satisfied with ourselves.   We are successful in our careers and personal lives.   Along with that satisfaction often comes the assumption, over time, that every element that comprises our professional and personal lives is probably integral to our success.  For instance:

  • "Part of the reason I'm successful is that I start every morning with a three mile run."
  • "I make it a rule to never to leave work until I have everything on my list accomplished."
  • "I never answer e-mails until 4 p.m."
  • "I don't talk to friends while at work."

It is absolutely true that there are tactics that make us successful;  it is equally true that not everything that we do contributes to our success.   So, every once in awhile, it's a good idea to step back and challenge the assumptions about our elements of success.    That, my friends, can be a frightening thing to do - because we are challenging the very composition of what we believe permits us to exist happily and successfully.

Nonetheless, to be really good, we need to step back and assess.    What if we run two miles and did yoga?   What if we stretched ourselves to four miles?    What if we changed up the way we created our to-do list.    What if we answered e-mails three times a day in shorter time blocks?

Understand that none of this is prescriptive - it is suggestive:  we should examine the components of our lives, decide to shake it up and try for something better.

Think of it as a test. . .if it doesn't work, you can always go back to the tried and true - but if a new idea creates something better, then you've been courageous. . .and you'll be happier.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for 2.99 on Amazon Kindle.

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