Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It Is Enough

There is a fine distinction to be made in the area of "wanting."  Of course it is fine to want a new car, a home reminiscent of those on HGTV, clothes that step out of GQ or Marie Claire.   And of course, it is fine, desirable even, to want to more love, or laughter or free time. . .any of those intangibles that may or may not come with a price tag.

The distinction is this:   it is fine to want, but don't feel poor because you have less than you may desire.   The truth is, and you know this just from simple living, often what we have is enough.

Your car may not be the newest - but it gets you from place to place.   Your house may not be designer finished - but it provides shelter and warmth and a place to sleep.   You may desire more love or laughter (and hopefully you will find it), but don't ignore that which you have.

Most of us are lucky enough to have what we need to sustain our lives. . .even prosper.   That means we have enough.

If we believe we don't have enough, our belief structure is rooted in scarcity.    If one's belief structure is focused on what we don't have, there is no room to reach out to others. . .there is not enough to share. . .there is nothing left to fulfill one of the greatest components of a life force - which is giving to others.

It is my observation that people who believe they have enough, and are thankful for that which they have, are able and willing to do all of the above.   In that process of reaching out and giving to others from a point of personal richness. . .they themselves are both emboldened and enriched.

What we have may not be everything we desire (it really never is).   But to recognize that we do have (probably more than) enough. . .is the springboard for lives rooted in thankfulness and individuals who not only enrich themselves, but those surrounding them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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