Wednesday, December 23, 2015

One Wish for Christmas

Here is my wish for you for Christmas.   It will take less than five minutes and will continue to give to you throughout the new year.

Consider someone who you are in contact with almost every day.  Pick up the phone, swing by their office, pull them aside.   Tell them that, at this holiday season, you want to sincerely thank them for the excellent job they do . . .the great attitude they have day after day. . .the perseverance they consistently exhibit. . .their great ability to figure out complex problems. . .their extraordinary customer service.

Look them in the eye. . .shake their hand. . .and offer your gratitude.

Now, here's the thing.   If everyone were to make this simple offering. . .the world would, maybe just for a minute, be a much better place.     If just you were to make this gesture, you will brighten someone's day. . .maybe even their month.  And even though you are making this gesture to genuinely benefit another. . .the magic within it is that it so greatly benefits you.

By acknowledging the role that others have in our lives. . .and extending our thanks to them. . .we expand our horizons.     Our own world becomes better, because we have embraced the reality that in this great village we are indeed beholden to one another.

So make this wish for you. . .and others. . .come true this Christmas.   The rewards that you find will probably  make you want you to do this every day of the year.

Share yourself. . .and make the world a better place.

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