Friday, March 11, 2016

The Donald Trump Style Book of Hyperbole

Somewhere, one has to believe, there is a "Donald Trump Speech-Maker's Style Book."    It must have reference points similar to these:

  • Absolutely do not use the word "very," unless you use it a minimum of twice (preferably three times) in a row.    For instance, a wrong use of the word "very" would be, "I am a very rich man."  The correct use of the word is, "I am a very, very, very rich man."
  • The suffix, est, is your very, very best friend.    Do not even think of using the following words without it:   rich, great, best or worst.
  • Never talk about quantities of people unless you reference "thousands" or preferably "millions." For instance, it would be incorrect to say, "I have a few close friends."   A better sentence would be "I have thousands, thousands of very, very close friends."
  • Opinion, you should pardon the pun, trumps fact.
  • Generalizations are one of your very, very, very, and I do mean, very best friends.  Combining a generalization when verbally assaulting entire groups of people makes for a potent combination.
  • EVERY SINGLE WORD that is uttered by you should be done so with the notion that the world, the sun, the moon, the stars and millions upon millions of very, very smart people REVOLVE AROUND YOU.
  • Here is a very, extremely very magical combination when asked a difficult question.   Even though you are running for the highest office in the land, respond with "I don't know". . .and then quickly pivot to throw shade.  For instance, if there is a tough question about someone who was assaulted, respond with  "I don't know. . maybe it never happened."
  • When faced with the choice of discussing critical issues or your genitalia, by all means, choose the latter;   very, very many people, yes, thousands and thousands of people, would so much rather hear a sly reference to your genitalia.

Here's the thing:   while, yes, Mr. Trump is guilty of all of the above, so are some people in the workplace.   Regardless, it is silliness and only has power if people succumb to it.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders"  is probably one of the greatest books you've  ever read . . no wait, it is the greatest book you will ever read - thousands of people have told me so, and it's available on Amazon Kindle (See how silly that sounds - except for the very last part!)

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