Friday, June 17, 2016

How Can We Build a Better World?

Let's pay attention to the events surrounding us; the horrific shootings at a nightclub in Orlando, the often crazy campaign rhetoric, the acts of terrorism in the United States and abroad, the political assassination in Great Britain, the ongoing discrimination.    We must use these events not as a detraction from the task at hand, but instead as motive. . .we must continually work to build a better world.

We must genuinely care for, and take care of, one another.

We must reject extremism (right-wing extremism, left-wing extremism, religious extremism - you name it - reject it).  Extremists claim their path is the way to true salvation; instead it is a road of ruin.

Let's be clear, violence and aggression, whether we generate it or someone else generates it, tears the world apart.

Clear, concise, rational thinking makes us better.

Eschew selfishness.    The world is not about me. . .or you. . .it is about all of us.

Compromise gets things done.

Be honest.   Be truthful.   Be fact-based.

Search for and publicize that which is really true.

If you need to be angry - let it lead you to better solutions and a truer justice.   And if you can be compassionate instead of angry - be compassionate.

Own a world-view;   truly understand as much as you can.

Each of us will be fuller beings if each day we pledge ourselves to build a better world.

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