Friday, December 16, 2016

Sometimes You Just Have to Drop Something. . .

There I was at Fred Meyer.  For those of you unfamiliar with Fred Meyer, think Target - only larger and better. . .or Wal-Mart. . .only larger and way, way better.   I self-checked  my humongous value pack of toilet paper; the cinnamon rolls for the following morning were tucked in a shopping bag in the other hand.     Starbucks?   There's one right in the lobby - sure, why not?   I successfully juggled said packages while getting out my wallet. . .but when they delivered my grande chestnut praline latte  I found myself in the most awkward position trying to get the sleeve on the cup.   I was trying to hold on to everything I had in my two hands AND  put the sleeve on;   you can visualize that failure was certain.   I came to the logical conclusion that this sleeve-thing operation would indeed require two hands.   I had to put something down.

Sometimes, in life. . .in work, we just need to drop something.

Prioritization is indeed a gift - it enables us to recognize what's truly important at the moment (a latte!   That project that's due in fifteen minutes!    Need to go to the son's concert!).   Prioritization indeed dictates that at times, we need to let go of something, even if just temporarily, to be successful at what we are trying to do right now.

And let's be clear - it is not a sign of a lack of strength to let something go;  to prioritize and set something aside is a smart decision.  Maybe you can pick up the thread in a short while.   Maybe what you just let go isn't at all necessary and can just go away.   Maybe what you just dropped belongs with someone else (delegation!).

The same applies to emotions we keep (grudges?   anger?).   To get to where we really want to be, it just may be that we have to drop this excess baggage. 

It is a good message for the entire year;  it is especially timely during the holidays.   Anxious that there is too much to do and not enough time?    Frustrated that self-expectations are dictating  more than one person is able to do?   To get what you really want and need right now. . .you may just need to drop something.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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