Friday, June 9, 2017

The Reality of Humility

Theresa May made a mistake.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain called for an unnecessary election.   Why?     Her poll numbers were very strong;  her party's poll numbers were good.         She thought that she could build an even greater majority (thereby strengthening her political position on  Brexit) by calling for an election.   Unsatisfied with what she had, she wanted more.

This morning we awake to headlines indicating she is barely hanging on to power.   Her party lost seats in the election and Prime Minister May has been humiliated.

There is a great lesson to be learned here:   when we are on top of our game let's not be so full of ourselves that we take it for granted that we can get even more.     Time and again I have seen this idea backfire on the perpetrators.

Let's be honest - a driving force is ego.    High level translation:   "I'm so good - everybody loves me - certainly they will all do what I want - and I want more."  Pride goes before a fall.

Ego should be tempered with a sense of reality. First of all, only a minority (and it should be less) are so foolish as to follow someone blindly.   Secondly, we live in a quickly changing world  - what we believe to be true today may certainly change tomorrow. . .and change against the next day.  The folly of ego is that is dictates that it can go against that tide - that personality is the overarching driver versus the issues that people face daily.

The point is - reality is humility.   If we open our minds to realize what is really going on around us - we are able to make better business decisions vs. acting on what our ego believes is true.   To challenge ourselves with the reality of each and every day makes us both stronger. . .and more humble.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders"  is available on Amazon Kindle.   

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