Friday, September 22, 2017

Of Rocket Men and Dotards. . .

North Korea is in the testing phases of having the ability to launch nuclear missiles.

That should send a chill down your spine.  At a time like this, the population of the world needs at least some reassurance that there is some gravity, some thought, some rational thinking that would help us avoid (minimally) a showdown or, worse yet (and may God forbid) an all out war.

Instead, we have the leaders of the United States and  North Korea engaged in the very worst of Real Housewives type of behavior (actually, the Real Housewives would do it better - after four weeks they would at least meet face to face over a few stiff drinks and decide it was someone else's fault).   Amidst all of the adjectives and word-mongering, Donald Trump has labeled Kim Jong Un "Rocket Man" and Kim Jong Un sent us scrambling to Google by labeling Donald Trump a "dotard."

For those of us concerned with the future of the world, its people and its prosperity - none of this is helpful.  None of this contributes to a peaceful conclusion.  And it is worrisome.

But, how often do we do the same thing in the workplace - whether with a competitor or with someone internally who we believe is a competitor (which, by the way, no one internally should be a competitor)?   Instead of constructive dialogue or making a compromise or at least conducting ourselves with a modest amount of dignity. . .we lash out in the most elementary way possible.  Does it destroy the fabric of what we are trying to create?  Yes.   Does it make the workforce feel positive?  No.

Contrast the above name calling with what has happened in Germany.  Angela Merkel will probably be re-elected Chancellor;  this is a post she has had since 2005.  From her name, the German people have developed a noun "merkeln."    Loosely translated, it means steady and trustworthy and centered.  Admittedly, this style is frustrating to some - but at the end of the day, most of the German population recognizes this down-to-earth style serves them well.   They feel that they are well taken care of.

Further proof?   The nickname the German people call Merkel is "mutti."   In English, Mother.

Rocket Man?  Dotard?  Mother?

What would you rather the workforce called you?

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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