Friday, October 6, 2017

Equality in the Workplace; Now More Than Ever, It's a Personal Responsibility

Let this not be lost among all of the other events of the week.   From NBC News:

The Department of Justice released a memo Wednesday asserting that federal civil rights law does not protect transgender people from discrimination at work.

Disappointing.  Frustrating.  Infuriating.

I have been so fortunate to work in private enterprise that has emphasized the value of each and every individual.     Many of our nation's largest corporations endorse the value and equality of all, regardless of ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender or sexual orientation.  Many of our communities, organizations and places of worship have joined in this acceptance.

In the midst of this comes the Department of Justice memo that is the antithesis of leadership, but is instead representative of divisiveness and inequality.    It does not represent the America that was created or is now.   The memo, and the viewpoint it represents is not inclusive; but is instead narrow-minded and intends to take us backward.  And from the standpoint that we are all created equal, it is morally bankrupt.

So what do we do?

We refuse to go backward.

We, instead, continue to march forward.

Again - many of America's private industries and non-profits have taken significant leadership on the issues of equality.  Especially in the light of the current administration's insistence of segmentation, it requires all of us to remain firmly committed to inclusion - and to back that commitment with actions.

America, from the time of women fighting for the right to vote to freeing the slaves to the civil rights movement has exhibited world leadership on the issue of civil rights - we cannot stop now.   

What the Department of Justice memo means is that a greater weight of true equality for all now falls to private enterprise.       Let us bear that weight with the understandings that our individual contributions in the workplace and in our communities matter; and that we must support those efforts with added efforts on the national and political front.   Beyond voting, we must campaign.   We must stand up and drive forward for what is morally right!

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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