Friday, November 3, 2017

Truth and Will Among the Chaos

Observing the national scene over past months, it strikes me that ongoing chaos is both demoralizing and fatiguing.  To quote Roseanne Roseannadanna ". . .if it ain't one thing it's another."  Whether it's at work, at life or on the national scene. . .an unrelenting stream of craziness makes one just want to throw up their hands:  "I quit."

But we can't - because then the chaos wins.  There are two antidotes:   truth and will.

The power of truth is undeniable;   the search for truth is trickier.   First of all, we must be committed to telling the truth - otherwise we are part of the problem.   Secondly, we must be absolutely steadfast in finding the truth   We must eschew  that which is National Enquirer-esque;  those broad, self-serving rumors which may or may not have a kernel of truth at the core.   Instead we need to find facts, and utilize that which is foundational as our compass. 

We must also spread the truth;  I find that generally we are all too comfortable believing that which is said and in a sort of passive aggressive style refuse to refute that which is illegitimate.

Will.    We must soldier on.   In times when we feel that there is no hope, we must find hope.   In times when we don't believe - we must find faith.   And we must evangelize both of these.   Chaos thrives in the quick sand of indetermination and failure;   but in the light of sheer will and determination, ultimately chaos will fail - and we must believe in that.

These are the discussions of difficult times; we wish organizational dysfunction, game-playing, uncertainty and disorganization didn't exist.   They do.    They will continue to thrive unless there are those who have the integrity to abide and spread the truth. . .and have the determination to work for a better tomorrow. 

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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