Friday, May 25, 2018

Being There

When I am observant of leaders in the workplace, there is a recurring theme:   one of the best, most-meaningful (and yes, revenue producing) things a leader can do is to be present to the workplace.

I will not let it be a trite phrase;    this is what it deeply means.

To be present for the team and workplace is a consciously unselfish act.  The leader knows that the well being of the team is first and foremost.  The leader demonstrates that by making it a priority to spend time with the team in earnest  listening, idea building and yes, even social conversation.

To be present for the team means optimal availability.  To be sure, 24/7 isn't a reasonable expectation - but neither is it unreasonable to ask that the leader is able to be readily contacted.  And when the leader isn't available, the team should be assured that the ability to take care of them has been carefully delegated to someone who can be available in the leader's absence.

Strong leaders recognize that bringing with them a laundry list of micromanagement details is unnecessary baggage.  To support the team, the leader should bring with them a few, strong action points that will make the team and the business better.

While it is fair for the leader to express concern about the state of business, it is unwise for the leader to exude anxiety and pressure;    these are counterproductive to being available for whatever support it is that the team really needs to be successful.   In their conversations with the team, leaders should focus on the very real and positive opportunities that are here and now.

To be present means that the leader is there to share opinions and have opinions shared with them.  "Being in the business" means that the leader is freely collaborative with the team in creating a shared agenda.

And simply put, being present means that the leader is there just to listen. . .which is perhaps one of the greatest gifts of all

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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