Friday, June 8, 2018

There Is a Difference. . .

Phrases are often thrown around and so become interchangeable.   When carefully evaluated, however, certain semantics have a knife's edge of difference between them. . .and that distinction is vital.

There is a difference between micro-managing and attention to detail.  The former is often disrespectful and a waste of time - the latter shows concern for the work.  At the end of the day, no one is positively recognized for micro-managing, but they are respected for attention to detail.

Intrusive or "snoopy" are not positive words for which we wish to be known.  We do want to be known for being interested and engaged with the workforce.

Stubbornness is not the same as consistency.  The former is the inability to move forward while the latter is the ability to progress within given guardrails.

People don't respect a "know-it-all," defined as someone who is willing to throw out their two cents at a drop of a dime.   People have great respect for someone who truly brings knowledge and skill to the workplace.
There is a chasm of difference between arrogance and self-confident;   the former doesn't care about anyone else while the latter has the self-assuredness to engage and be compassionate.

Reactivity often signals bouncing from one emergency to another. . .the ability to quickly manage a situation brings confidence and calm to the team.

Narcissism and being a role model are entirely different things.   The former is a spotlight shining on one's self while the latter is beacon to others to lead the way.

Giving work to others often means avoiding responsibility while delegating means giving authority while coaching.

These words and phrases have real meaning - think of which distinction defines you.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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