Friday, December 21, 2018

But. . .Do We Connect?

We all recognize what utter chaos is caused when connectivity in our IT systems is lost.  The world seemingly comes to a screeching halt;     correct information is not relayed in a timely manner and people are drumming their fingertips on their desks just hoping that a connection will be restored.

The same is absolutely true for the connectivity in communication.  So often we are given a script to communicate or know that we need to talk to a certain team member about a certain issue or we desire to address the entire team.

And often just the words have the impact of a bag of stale potato chips:   worse than no flavor, the message becomes something distasteful.     What's lacking?   Connectivity.

It may not be the most popular thing to talk about an emotional connection in the workplace, but it is needed.  To be clear, we are not talking about a "romantic" connection or a conversation that crosses lines that are considered ethical.   To be clear, we are talking about the emotional intelligence that allows us to create an important connection from speaker to listener.

What's in it for the listener?   How will this message make their life better?     Is the listener assured they are being understood?  Is there room for response, for conversational interplay?  What do we know about the listener from previous conversations that can be applied to this conversation?

What is important about both the message and the listener and how do we tie those things together?

Once the answers to these questions are applied, the rocket fuel in the conversation then becomes delivery.    Can it be realistic without being cardboard?   Can there be an appropriate sense of humor?     Can we talk about important issues, even issues of professional improvement, in a casual way that allows the message to be heard?

Words are just words.  When words are spoken with genuine care and concern, they then truly become a connection - and we all realize that connectivity is needed for work to occur.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle

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