Friday, August 9, 2019

On Making Decisions: Hearing Yourself Talk. . .

How do we make difficult decisions?

Often I find that the answer is within ourselves;  it then becomes the "mining" or finding of that foundational information.  How, then do we hear ourselves talk?   How do we find the truth within ourselves?

I seek my closest friends;  those who I know well and who reciprocally know me well.    Those people I can confide in.   Those people who have the ability to ask me questions that will get me to the truth.

It is when I am in the company of those in which I have such confidence that I find myself speaking what I believe to be the truth.  In conversations regarding potentially difficult decisions, those who know us well should be able to ask of us the questions that are most pertinent to our lives; and because these are people we trust, we will answer with that which is at the core of our being. 

Find the people you believe in the most; and the people that believe in you.  Select those  with whom you can be completely yourself; not that which they want you to be.  Choose those who both empathize and challenge.

Speak with those who know you in the most complete sense;  when you do, you will find that you are speaking that which you know with your heart is true.

And your decision will be strong.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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