Thursday, May 29, 2014

Leaf Blowers in the Workplace

Perhaps it's out of the bitterness of not owning one that I take glee in pointing out what I find obnoxious about leaf blowers.   Naturally, I can't resist the temptation to personify what I find wrong with leaf blowers into this allegory. . .

Do you know any leaf blowers at work?

Here's how I see leaf blowers.  Perhaps they are well-meaning individuals (or not) who are wearing a giant set of headphones to mask out the noise (which, of course, they are generating).    They seldom look up or around because they are very intent on focusing on the debris which they are trying to move off of their turf with the wind force of a small hurricane.   In a grand finishing sweep, leaf blowers swoosh all of their own debris. . onto someone else's property.

Here's how to recognize leaf blowers at work.

Leaf blowers at work create such a ruckus that even they cannot stand to be around it - hence they "headphone" themselves off from hearing anyone or anything.    So, while they generate a lot of sound and fury, they somehow find a way to distance themselves from it.

Secondly, they don't look up and look around them.   Seriously, marching bands could parade behind said leaf blower and they wouldn't even notice.    Leaf blowers don't care what anyone else is doing - consequently, they are disabled from observing and learning about the world in which they operate.

Point three.   Leaf blowers focus on just the debris:   all they see is everything they want to get rid of - resulting in a failure to notice and nurture the good that surrounds them.

And here's the kicker, leaf blowers don't bag their own mess!  They just blow it into someone else's workspace or team environment.     While they may think that they discarded the problems, all they've done is move it around their own universe - much to the chagrin of their team mates.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, tablets and PCs from Amazon Kindle

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