Thursday, June 12, 2014

Make This List and Make Your Life Better

Here is a list that every leader should have in their mind. . .every day of the week.

Right now. . .create a list of everything that is going right.  Seriously - project about to be completed - it goes on the list.   Accident free work days - they go on the list.    Promoted an internal candidate - on the list.   Crossed off a majority of your to-do's from yesterday - own it.  Always have a readily accessible list of everything that is going right.

Thankfully, we engage (sometimes to a fault) in critical thinking.    In the spirit of process improvement, or building a better widget, or creating a better team - we are constantly on the prowl for what is wrong. . . hopefully with the mindset that we can fix it.

When we overindex, however, on everything that needs fixing - the situation starts to become hopeless, we are expending more effort on what is wrong vs. what is right and we lose focus on both the team and what is driving business.

When we balance out everything that needs to be fixed. . .with everything that, hey (!) is going pretty good. . .we become much more realistic (and usually become nicer people to be around).

By spending time with "what is right" we are also creating focus for our teams.  By saying , "Hey, the analysis you did on the Simpson project was great - that's exactly what I was looking for," you are both paying a well-earned compliment and stating your expectations for the future.  By acknowledging a job well done with "Thank you, the planning you did on that team project  was perfect," you are both expressing appreciation and letting the individual know that's how you like things done. 

Process improvement is important. . .but it becomes more realistic and vital when balanced out with the public acknowledgement of everything that is going right (and 99 times out of 100 - more things are going right than are going wrong).

Constantly have that list. . .whether handwritten or just in your head. . .of everything that is going right for you and your team.  Your life will be better.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle for e-readers, PCs and tablets.

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