Friday, February 12, 2016

Glue: 11 Things that Hold a Team Together

Great teams hold together.   Great teams are bonded.    What, however are those bonds?  What enables a team to work and live together. . .enjoy each other's personalities and revel in their talents?     These simple, eleven concepts explain it all.

Common Purpose - all pulling together, same direction to the same goal.

Honesty -  not "Real Housewives I feel I must share how much I hate what you're wearing. . ." but instead the ability to relate, comprehend and honor what's real.

Humor - you've got to laugh.

Work Ethic - some will always work hard than others, but all must contribute.

Principled - you all will do what's right.

Sense of Accomplishment - at the end of the day, you all realize that what you're doing is important,

Trust -  like a family, maybe better than a family.

Loyalty - loyal to the cause and to the team.

Empathy - walking in the other person's shoes.

Compassion - the ability to understand.

Joy - Yes, joy!

This is what I've experienced and this is what I know to be true. . .if you're team has these things - you really are a team for the ages.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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