Friday, February 5, 2016

You Got This!

From personal experience, I vouch this happens.

There is a large meeting for which one needs to prepare.    And there are three smaller meetings in the way.     And someone just asked you to research something you really haven't worked on in. . .oh, about a decade.      And there is the most impossible conversation with the most impossible colleague at the most inopportune time. . .

And you start to panic.    You wonder how you can possibly get this all done.   You start to doubt yourself. . .and things start to get worse. . .

Here's the thing, though.   You've done this. . .maybe a thousand times before.     More than likely, you did it quite successfully.       You know most of the pieces. . .you know how to fit it all together. . .you've got a great skill set.

You got this.

In the past you've done the large meeting. . .and the three small meetings. . .and on your way to a fourth meeting you gave a colleague the decade old fact they were seeking.     Heck, you've probably even ducked out of one meeting to attend another.

You got this.

The uncomfortable situations. . .the difficult conversations.     You know what's worked before. . .you know how people have responded in the past.    You know how to relate and be relatable.

You got this.

The impossible schedule. . .you've re-worked hundreds of schedules and you'll re-work hundreds more.    Quite successfully we might add.

You got this.

I've come to the conclusion that a large part of faith (and comfort) is comprised of personal experience.    So when an uncertain future looms, take it on with the confidence that everything you've learned before will serve you, and those that surround you, very well.

Indeed. . .you got this.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.   Get it.

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