Friday, August 12, 2016

Comfortable with Being the Boss

The question is - are you comfortable being the boss?

Here's the reason I ask;   I have seen any number of potentially good conversations go upside down and sideways because the boss was clearly uncomfortable with their position and it showed in their communication style.   What could be, and should be, normally positive conversations become awkward. . .and straight-laced. . .and edict filled. . . and in the end are totally bumbled because of the discomfort of being the boss.

Having the privilege of leading a work group is already complicated by the fact that culturally there are negative perceptions that come along with being "the boss."    "He doesn't care."  "She makes more money than I do."  "They don't understand what's going on."   Layer on top of that a leader's own discomfort and it's not pretty.

Here's the thing (or things).    Because you are leading a workplace, it doesn't mean you need to be someone other than yourself (which is deadly - disingenuity is smelled like fear).   You don't have to lose your sense of humor.     You don't need to be all stern and up in their business.

You do, however, need to care:   both about the business and about the people you are leading.   Once you believe that, and live that belief - a lot of the discomfort goes away.     Conversations, even corrective conversations, can become more casual. . .and because they are more casual. . .you will be heard better and you will listen better.

Here are a few tactical things that help you being comfortable being a leader.   Live in the facts (not the rumors or innuendo).     Know your business and practice it with excellence.    Genuinely care about the team you have the privilege of working with.    Constantly exam critical issues from various points of view.  Be truthful.

Find comfort in being yourself.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle

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