Friday, January 27, 2017

(The Importance of) Finding Hope

A good friend observed, following last Saturday's Womens' March, that it was the first time since November that she felt hopeful.   I am struck by the utter importance of that remark.

Hope is not a fantasy nor the loss of realism;  instead,  hope is the reality of what we can accomplish together.    Both inside and outside of work, the loss of hope is the spiraling down to ultimate defeat,   The embrace of hope is not only defiance to the darkness that exists in life but it becomes the spiritual counselor to the action plan of the future.

Where does one find hope?   We find it in ourselves and we find it in community.  We find it in the things in this world that are truly just and nurturing - and we use those things, stone by stone, to create a positive path going forward.

How does one keep being hopeful?    Hope must not be an empty promise we make and break;   instead it is a continuity of thoughtful, practical actions that moves us and our community.      In other words -   it is driven by a purpose and strategy that is renewed everyday by our actions.

Hope is persistent.  It never gives up.

Hope is, by its very definition, positive.

Hope is fed by fact. . .and integrity.

Hope is smart.

Negativity, prejudice, anger, lies, conspiracy theories, disenfranchisement of others - these things do not get us anywhere nor do they enrich us.  Hope is true leadership that moves all of us forward.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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