Friday, March 3, 2017

It May Seem Like More Work. . .But It's Really Less

Seemingly there is never enough time in a day to get it all done.    This is often compounded by the frustrations of team members failing to make goal or not following directions or just being ornery. . .or they quit.   If you ever wonder how you are going to get it all done - re-set your priorities based on these thoughts:

It may seem like a lot of time wasted if you are just talking to a team member. . .but it isn't.  The more a team feels integrated to the leader and the mission, the better they will perform.

It may seem like a lot of work to acculturate one's communication style to the various personalities on the team. . .but it isn't.     A leader's success is directly tied to their ability to make their voice and intent clear to all of the diversity in the workplace.

It may seem contradictory to send someone off to training when there is so much work to be done. . .but it isn't.  On many levels, training improves productivity and overall job performance.

It may seem like a lot of unnecessary effort to make ones self likable. . .but it isn't.    Yes, it is the leader's job to be liked (let's not confuse sometimes having do things that people don't like with overall personality and likability).    People want to follow someone who they like  and who they can believe in. 

It may seem redundant to re-state the values of the company. . .or to emphasize quality (again!) . . .or to review the mission. . .but it isn't.     There are many messages out there competing for ear-time;   make sure that your messages are heard often and can cut through the clutter.

It may seem like one isn't really accomplishing anything of value when addressing the seemingly small concerns of a team member. . .but you are.   Small concerns can become big problems when not assertively take care of.

It may seem humbling to admit one is wrong or doesn't have the right answer. . .and it is;  but it sure saves a lot of time vs. trying to stand on the quicksand of an error.

Doing the right thing may seem like it is a whole lot of work - and it may be.  It is also an investment in a more effective and efficient workforce that will build up all and ultimately save a whole lot of time.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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