Friday, April 20, 2018

Use(d)less Gifts

While not unique in this trait, my mother was still notorious in this trait.   She would be given a gift - or even buy something nice for herself - and then put it away - perhaps never to be seen again.  When the time came to clean out her estate,   there were new items that were never used stuffed into dresser drawers, filing cabinets, storage boxes and just laying in stacks under the bed.  Never used and thus, use(d)less.

These items were given to her for her enjoyment and fulfillment.  Perhaps in some ways these items, if used, could have expanded her horizons and outlook on life.  Resolutely, however, she opted to "save" them - so the items stayed stashed away and she remained in her seemingly comfortable status quo.

Why?  Maybe she was afraid of scarcity, that if she used it now she wouldn't have anything left for later.    Maybe there was the fear that she really wasn't good enough to receive and utilize.   Maybe she thought others would think her ostentatious.    Perhaps she thought that if used it would be ruined.

So what about the gifts that are given to us?   The position we occupy.  The ability to organize.  The chance to speak.  The opportunity to collaborate.   The challenge to step up.  The privilege to be part of a team.   Do we use these, and other such gifts that we are given. . .or do we quietly put them away. . .out of fear.   What will people think of me?   Am I up to the challenge?    I'm really not good enough.  What if this is my one and only chance and I blow it?

Are we not using the gifts we've been given out of fear?  And if so - what fulfillment are we missing?

Gifts are resources - resources are meant to be used.  Resources are meant to make our professional and personal lives fuller and expand our horizons.

Let's use the gifts we've been given.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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