Friday, September 21, 2018

Eyes Wide Open

We may call it focus.   We may call it selective vision.   We may even call it an omission.   Here's the headline:   we are not well served by that which we do not see.

Often in work and life we are very single minded - eyes forward with our brain oriented toward a goal.   And that's great - but what are we missing on that journey?  Often I witness this in business;   there is an opportunity or a challenge that is as plain as day, even to the uneducated eye - but those in charge of the business fail to see it.

We are blessed with great senses;  it is a waste not to fully utilize these as we support our team and our enterprise.    Let's scan.   Let's look at the world around us.    Let's recognize that which presents opportunities.   Let's recognize that which we would prefer not to deal with. . .because the more we "see" the more we are able to optimize our tasks.

"Seeing" also includes emotional intelligence.    At times leaders just "shut down" to the input they could be receiving from emotional intelligence.   Maybe we don't want to bother with it.   Maybe we think it's not our business. . .or not impactful to our business.    Truth is, "seeing" through emotional intelligence is an extremely powerful tool to support our team, grow professionals and build a strong enterprise.

Do these views of the world around us take extra energy?  Yes. . .but not that much - especially when one considers the benefit that is created by having a more universal view of the workplace.

The analogy is this:  when driving an automobile our focus is/should be the road ahead.  That's how we get to our destination.   Part of the task of driving is also scanning the road around us:   what's on our right?  Our left?   Take a look in the rear view mirror.   Look over one's shoulder.   All of these things create awareness;   some of these things require an action so that we may get to our destination more efficiently and without accident.

The same is true in work and life.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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