Friday, September 28, 2018


That which is natural.    That which springs up from within.

In leadership, we need to think about the value of organic.    Often, instead, we think about "cut and paste."   "If only Roger could have the exact same presentation skills as Sally."   "If only Sally had the analytic skills of Brenda."    "If only Brenda had my sales acumen."   These may all be legitimate observations, but then we  make the mistake of copying those skills sets onto individuals as a quick fix solution.  This is not organic.

Here's what works better.  Let's find out the true skills of a Roger and Sally and Brenda.   Let's find out what motivates them.  What are their discovered and undiscovered talents?   In earnest conversation with Roger and Sally and Brenda, let's listen to what direction they would like their careers to take.   And whatever their talents and directions are - let's not stipulate that they have to do things one, precise way that worked for you or their predecessor.

Let's be really smart and encourage people to find their inner talents and skill sets that will benefit the enterprise.   If we do this - we will have individuals who are really good at their jobs. . . and we will have team members who have invested themselves into the company.   When that happens, they have true ownership and when people have true ownership, they perform at their best.

Consistently I have found this to be true:  it is, at best, a sub-standard success when trying to force a skill set or method upon someone - usually it is unsuccessful and disruptive to the team.    When, however, we find that which truly motivates an individual - that which they enjoy - the individual, the team and the enterprise all move forward. 

Constantin Stanslavski,  known for the creation of method acting, could have been incredibly proprietary and enforceful about what he believed made a successful actor.  Instead, he said this:   "Create your own method.  Don't depend slavishly on mine.  Make up something that will work for you.  But keep breaking traditions, I beg you."

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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