Friday, February 15, 2019

Well Connected

If you know a lot of people and know a lot about a lot of people then generally you are recognized as being well connected.

And usually that means you are well connected outside of your company, outside of your work group - but are you as well connected with the people  within your work group?  And, if not, why not?

As much as  connectivity increases relational capital outside of your company, that formula can be multiplied within the work group.    Often, however, we (falsely) find it unnecessary to connect to people we have the privilege of working with each day.

"I see them every day or the week - I know plenty."   But, do you?

"I really want to keep my professional distance."    But, what does that mean?   True - there is a wise "professional distance" - and that is true of all professional relationships.  But sometimes it becomes an excuse not to do the work.     And a price accompanies that distance.

"They work for me, I shouldn't have to work that hard at it."   Wrong.  Just plain wrong.

If there is any place or any group with  which we should have great connectivity - it is with the team that we are working with.    That knowledge. . .that skill set. . .allows teams to operate at maximum efficiency.   It also allows teams to work with maximum care:   recognizing strengths and weaknesses or each individual and being able to tailor, daily, how we interact.

The time it takes to genuinely know someone is one of the best time investments we can possible make.

As is true with every power source, when we are disconnected, nothing works.     When we are well-connected - everything works.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders"  is available on Amazon Kindle.

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