Friday, April 19, 2019

As the River Flows. . .

Having observed business first hand for several decades, I've come to an appreciation for a factor that very few talk about:  the power of fluidity.

Fluidity is the ability to keep things moving.   To not get stuck.   To have a great flow of product, information and ideas.

And let's face it - there are a lot of factors in the workplace that get us stuck.  Office politics.   Silos.  Egos.     Okay. . .laziness.    Inability to resolve issues and conflict.   All of these factors, and more, stop work - they stop us from growing the business - they disable us from moving forward.

The best analogy for the power of fluidity in the workplace is the power (and beauty) of fluidity in nature.  Whether it be a small stream or a mighty river, there is something both magnificent and calming about the fluidity of water.   Rivers start at a source (an idea) and they flow to a outlet (a conclusion) that ultimately feeds something bigger.   Along the way, rivers provide purpose:  habitats, sources of power, recreation and nurturing.

But, if something stops that flow, then progress also stops.  Safe habitats dry up, power dissipates, there isn't any recreation or nurturing.    And the same things happen when we lose fluidity (whether in a production environment, communication environment or creative environment) at work.   What was once fertile and productive becomes frustrating.

We know this to be true:  a great day at work and in life is when obstacles are at a minimum and things are moving forward as they should.  And even if obstacles arise, we should resolve to embrace the collective talents and tools to resolve things quickly to get everything back on track.

Let's think about the positive power of fluidity in our lives and in our work.    The ability to keep things moving, like the power of a river, is a majestic force.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders"  is available on Amazon Kindle.

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