Friday, July 26, 2019

Smaller and Smaller. . .

If the name of the game is influence. . .if the object is to make an impact. . .then we really have to think about how we get there.

If we alienate individuals, or entire groups of people with our actions and words. . .there are less people around us.  We get smaller.

If we believe that by "yelling louder" we are more powerful - we are wrong.  We are just exercising the vocal power of one vs. many.

It may seem  that we become more powerful  by surrounding ourselves with those who totally agree with us and cheer us on no matter what  - but all we are do is looking in a warped mirror that shows us what we wish to see.

If we persist that ours is the only way. . .and we refuse to listen all else, including factual information, our power gradually wilts and any influence we once had becomes a faded memory.  We become smaller and smaller.

But. . .

If we genuinely include others - logically our sphere of influence grows.

If we listen more than we speak, then when we do speak we are better informed and others will listen. . .and our circle expands exponentially.

If our criteria for those who surrounds us includes those who genuinely care, who have a heart for the enterprise and the team. . .those who are smart and have integrity. . .then we become not only a reflection of the world around us but a beacon.

If we are selfless. . .we become bigger.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle

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