Friday, September 6, 2019

What We Tell Ourselves

It's tricky - isn't it?

Sometimes in self-think. . ."me" conversation. . .or meditation - we can find within ourselves the most profound truth that will propel us forward in the most positive of directions.

And. . .sometimes in those quiet moments of "talking" to ourselves - we mis-lead ourselves. "I'm not good enough."  "I'm not respected."   "Things will never get better."  "This is all my fault."

This is the talk of self-doubt; and consequently, it is the talk of self-deception.   It is often the wearing of the cloak that perhaps others would (wrongfully) prescribe for us.   It is the adoption of cultural so-called norms of being told of what we "should" be.  It is leaning in to the lesser side of us - the side that doesn't have faith in that which can we done.

This talk of self-doubt can be injurious on two fronts.    We can believe that we are lesser and act as if we are lesser.   Conversely, we can believe we are less than we are but then attempt to overcompensate;   trying to be something we truly aren't.

The point is, this "self-talk" of "self-doubt" does not serve us well.   How, then, do we differentiate between this and those moments of profound personal truth?

We have been given a brain and heart with which to judge.    That which serves us well is often organic to us.  It knows and embraces our natural talents and instincts.   It takes into account that which we know to be true (positive self-talk is a great believer in truth and integrity).   It is inherent within us.

And to differentiate - that which is harmful to us is often that which we choose to cut and paste from people who do not wish us the very best.

What we tell ourselves daily is important to our success;  more importantly, it is foundational to what we are.      If we choose to adopt that which others say, what people say we should be - that foundation is quicksand.    If we utilize that which we know to be true within ourselves - it is rock solid.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders"  is available on Amazon Kindle.

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