Friday, November 8, 2019

We Have to Elevate the Conversation

We need to focus on what really matters.

Too often we spend our time and resources swirling around those things that, at the end of the day, really don't matter:     these things don't enhance the working environment, they don't build business and they don't enrich lives.

We focus too much on the petty; those conversations that spend the precious resource of time on things like possession. . .and silos. . .and who said what to whom and how that could be misconstrued.   Too many resources are spent on trying to putting out the fires of individual conflict without eliminating that which causes it. We spend too much time trying to artificially improve work performance without either getting to the root issues or without inspiration. . .or without both.    We try to manage chaos rather than eliminate it.   We chase all manners of small initiatives because it's someone's "idea". . .but in the end they are ideas without merit because they don't enrich.    We spend too much time trying to placate when instead we should just have an honest conversation.    We chase red herrings because it makes it seem like we are busy; but in the process we are missing the real opportunities.

We should not be just another episode of "The Real Housewives" ("I really don't want drama tonight, but. . .)".   Work should not be a game of "Survivor."

We need to elevate the conversation.

We need to focus on big ideas that build people and build enterprises.

We need to emphasize and model positive leadership.

We need to be responsive to business and individual needs;   not just placate but solve!

We need to be progressive and innovative.

We need to redefine winning from feudal warfare to be truly and inherently great at what we do.

From the inside out we need to recognize the value of each individual contribution.

And we must be collective;  recognizing and valuing diversity builds great team.

We need to restore order and clean up chaos.

We need to be honest and work with integrity.

We must elevate the conversation.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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