Friday, January 31, 2020

Greatness is Not a Solo Sport

The director who wins the Oscar this year did not win it on their own merit - all you need to do is look at the movie credits to understand that it was not a solo sport.

The conductor of the symphony is not great in their own right. . .just look at the program to understand how many contributors there are to excellence.

The gymnast is seemingly out on the floor  by themselves. . .until there is a different camera angle and you realize that there are coaches and team mates and supporters who contribute to the success.

I will guarantee you this. . .if you talk about how great an individual is - that individual did not get that way on their own.   There were teachers, friends, parents, grandparents. . .a village, if you will, that contributed to that success.

And if an individual  constantly talks about how great they are as a person, they are mis-representing the facts.  Because the continuity of greatness also requires that village.

This is a basic tenet of humility - the recognition that we are a community.  That we are interdependent upon one another.  Beyond that we are interdependent on the vast resources that nature provides (and we should assure that we don't squander).

There is no such thing as a self-made individual.

We must remember this, and act accordingly, daily.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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