Friday, January 24, 2020

The Antidote to Righteousness

In the utilization of the word "righteousness" I am keenly aware of the religious connotations (daddy was a Presbyterian minister.)  So it is with deliberation that I utilize "righteousness" in describing people's need to be "right."     For many, it becomes their religion to almost a cult-like mentality;  meaning they no longer question if this is the true path.   Their zeal to always be right over-rides all else. . .and more unfortunately, over-rides all others.

Ironically, in that they are flawed.  No one is perfect;  no one should pretend to be.

So, if there is a higher path, a better answer - what is it?

Inquiry.   Let's be curious.    We don't know everything (or sometimes, anything) so let's find out.   Let's ask a question, then another, then another.  We may think we know the truth, but inquiry quickly informs us that we only know a portion of it.

Inclusion.   Let's include others.   If we stand that only we know the right answer, then we have excluded many, many others who can truly help us get to a better, more iron-clad conclusion.

Humility.    Know what's better than leading others to believe you have all the right answers?  Letting others know that you don't know everything invites greater individual and communal learning.    Admitting that we don't have all of the right answers brings down the walls of defense so that others can admit that they, too, don't have all of the right answers.  Then, collectively we can work together for a better world.

Collaboration.   While inclusion is the invite to the conversation, collaboration is the ongoing community of conversation and ideas and work that makes the world spin.    Righteousness often has servants;  collaboration has community.

Knowledge.  Again, the irony, but the more we know is the more we realize how much we have yet to learn.

Being "right" all of the time is a false notion.   Inquiry, inclusion, humility, collaboration and knowledge are tru-isms that stand the test of time and shine a light for all of us.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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