Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A World of Perspective

Now seems to be a particularly good time to look at the world surrounding us and gain a little perspective.

I'm not negating the importance of the everyday work that we do and the accompanying challenges - but I do believe that the occasional reality check helps place the difficulties at work in their rightful place.

Missed plan by 1.5% last month?   Let's compare that to the challenges faced by the families of Oso, Washington; where an entire neighborhood is under feet of mud and it still is unclear how many perished.

Process is broken and it seems hopeless?  That's bad. . .but not as bad as having a loved one onboard Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and even though you've been told that the flight was lost - there is little hard evidence of what went wrong.

To be the best that we can be - it is vitally important that we place things in their proper perspective.   Work, without a sense of realism, becomes unrealistic.    Work, placed in its proper perspective, attains a new vitality and meaning within the world around us.

And yes, sometimes things at work seem hopeless. . .but to have a broader perspective lets us realize that, in the scheme of things, it is not hopeless. . . there are things in the world that are so much worse than the situations we face.   Truly, we can figure out whatever challenges we face.

Can't get along with certain parts of the organization and it seems totally dysfunctional?  It could be worse, you could be a member of Congress.

In my experience, putting things in their proper perspective makes us true realists. . .and even perhaps gives us added courage to face both the small and big challenges presented by daily life.

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Brent Frerichs is the author of "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" available for e-readers, tablets and PCs from Amazon Kindle.

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