Thursday, October 23, 2014

The "2 to1" Leadership Challenge

Pass it on.  Share this formula for success. . .for a better work experience for both you and your team.  (And, by the way, it also works in your personal life).

It's the "2 to 1" challenge. . .and it's extremely simple.  For every piece of constructive feedback, criticism, improvement advice you give to a team member - give them two pieces of positive feedback for something they are doing really well.


We become so engaged in process improvement and fixing that which needs to be fixed. . .that often we utterly fail at telling people what it is they are doing well.   Without that positive reinforcement, they may cease doing what it is that you really value;   they may feed that their strengths are not recognized or valued.    If you add praise to your leadership tools, your pathway to the future is paved with the strengths of the team;  you are providing them with a greater focus toward that which you want them to do.

And you will be a better, happier person.

The rules are simple.

1.  Don't fail to give the constructive feedback because (crap!) now you need to think of two positive things to say.

2.  Your positive feedback must be truthful and genuine and of value.   Items like "It's great you showed up for work today" don't count.   "The way you coached Sue regarding the month-end project was better than I could have done" does count. 

3.   Certainly expressions of gratitude do count ("Thank you for rushing in to help Jim with the contract work yesterday).    Snarky gratitude ("Thank you for not wearing that green outfit YET AGAIN") does not count.

4.  Saying "Nice job" under your breath does not count.  Make sure people understand what you specifically appreciate about their work performance.

5.  Public recognition for a job well done does count.

What if you honestly cannot come up with two good things to say?   Then, after some self-evaluation, you probably need to re-evaluate the team member's worth to the enterprise.

And why the "2 to 1" ratio?   Because constructive criticism or negative feedback has such a large impact. . .and often we are extremely passive about the positive - that you need at least a 2 to 1 ratio to balance the two.

Share the idea. . .let's put some focus on the positive and make the workplace better and the team stronger.

My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, tablets and PCs on Amazon Kindle.

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