Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Value of Critical Thinking in Leadership

Let's be clear. . .there is a difference between criticism ("Seriously, did you look in the mirror this morning after you got dressed?") and critical thinking, which defines as:

1. disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence
Too often we feel so rushed by time that we fail to question the challenges that are put before us.   So adept are we at quickly solving problems that we may not question:
"Well, everybody says that the system isn't working properly. . ."
"Our department is consistently being given the wrong information."
"The last campaign we ran was an absolute  winner."
These, and thousands of similar statements, deserve a little bit of the leader's critical thinking skills before we start leaping tall buildings.   Prior to rescuing our team from the work-villains of the day, we should be able to answer:
What, truly, are the facts? (And what is the evidence that supports the facts?)
Who said what?  What other issues may be surrounding these team members that would influence their thinking?
What is the larger picture?  You may be asked to solve a tactical issue - but when you start getting the facts and looking at the larger picture, your solution may be more strategic.
Also notice that I threw in a positive example:  "The last campaign we ran was an absolute winner."   It is so important for an organization (and its leaders) to be able to be self-critical.   Time and again I have witnessed teams claim they were successful - because after all, they invested money and time - who wouldn't claim that?     When one looked at the facts, the results. . . .really, not so much.   We need to be critical thinkers not only when faced with challenges, but also when faced with claims of victory.
Why?   Ultimately it is the facts, followed by thoughtful tactics and strategic thought, that not only keep ourselves and our teams safe. . .but make us successful.
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My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, tablets and PCs on Amazon Kindle.

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