Tuesday, December 23, 2014

That Star. . .

Here is what it is so obvious about the iconic star of the story of the wise men. . .and here's what so many people miss.

It led people forward.

Yes, the star illuminated the way. . .and it was a stable presence. . .but more than any of that, it led those that followed it onward.

Not backward. . .not to some place that maybe was considered familiar and safe.  The wise men did not look over their shoulders wistfully for what was behind them, claiming that what was certainly was better than what could be.    They did not retreat to the comfort of their home town.

Instead, they followed the star so that they could successfully complete their quest.

Sometimes we are so concerned about being safe. . .that we fail to move onward. We prefer what we believe to be the comfort of where we are.  Sometimes we even try to move backward!

But if we don't move forward. . .we will fail to learn and we will fail to make the world a better place.
If we do move forward. . .and onward. . .oh, the new things we will see!   We will conquer new challenges.   We will find new ways to lead and live.

If we are to learn one leadership lesson from that bright and shining star, it is this.   Move forward . . .and most assuredly, we will find a better way.

Happy holidays to all of you. . .may they be bright and may you move onward.

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