Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Tip for Greater Productivity

Go - go - go.  The life of the leader is geared toward productivity and accomplishment.   The goal is to get things done - ideally as quickly as possible so that we can move on to the next thing. . .and then get that done.

Since the over-riding principal here is productivity - here's a tip. 

Stop.    Think.   Re-charge.

The times that I have been at my absolute worst was when I just kept doing. . .and failed to stop. . .and think. . .and re-charge.

Perspective is a marvelous management tool;  what I have found is that if we just keep going, heads down, in the trenches. . .we lose perspective for both ourselves and our teams.  It is only when we gain the discipline of walking away (however briefly) and think about what we are doing that we are able to do it better.

  • If you just keep doing. . .you will just keep doing it the same way.   If you step away, and think about what you and your team are doing, you may find there is a better way, however minute, that may make a significant, positive change in your progress.
  • If you stop for a minute - you can truly assess how the team is doing.   Who needs to be rested?  Who can do more?   How do we change one person's work for a positive impact on both the individual and the whole of the team?
  • And gaining perspective that allows you to make things better happens when you, as a leader, is re-charged.  So, take a day off already.   Go for a walk at lunch.   Spend an extra five minutes at Starbucks.    While all of these things may seem like a luxury - the extra little investment of time will reap valuable rewards by refreshing you and thus, recharging your team when you are at the workplace.
While it may seem contraindicated to stop in the middle of a big project - it is one of the wisest and healthiest things that you can do. . .both for yourself and your team.

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My book, "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available for e-readers, PCs and tablets on Amazon Kindle.

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