Friday, February 17, 2017

Great Leadership is Selfless

One of the foundations of leadership is this:    great leadership is a selfless task.

Leaders are responsible for not only the output, but also for the welfare of those who are following.  Whether this is one or two people. . . or whether it is thousands, or even millions - this is a sacred responsibility.

This is not done by making everything about you.   Great leaders do not spend their time creating arrows that point at them.    Great leaders focus positive energy outward.

This is not accomplished by being thin-skinned and feeling the need to react to every perceived slight or piece of negative news about one's self.  Self-martyrs are not leaders.

Name-calling of opponents does nothing to take are of those you are responsible for.  Nothing.  In fact, it is a detractor.

Deflecting blame because it is inconvenient is cowardice.    Lack of ownership for one's own actions means that things are only going to get worse;  you cannot change what you do not own.

Great leadership is this. . .

A greater concern for the good of the whole than assessing everything by "how it's going to impact me."   At the end of the day - no one really cares about the welfare of the leader - but everyone cares about the health and welfare of the greater population.

A commitment to own the issues and to resolve them rather than to blame everyone else.   The former truly changes the world, the latter does  nothing.

The ability to build bridges. . .not burn them.

The natural instinct to work with the facts as opposed to creating mirages that most will recognize as fabricated.

The leader is transparent, both in terms of honesty but also in the ability to let those who are led to shine through as opposed to directing all of the attention to the leader.

Leaders who are selfish not only put themselves at risk - they imperil their followers.    Those who follow selfless leader are in secure hands.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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