Friday, October 11, 2019

The Unexpected

The flight was delayed.  The gate area was filled with passengers anxious to get to their destination.  The minutes ticked by.    One expects that the airline gate crew would also fall to expectations;  keeping their heads down, making necessary announcements and trying to keep everyone calm.  On this occasion, the Southwest Airlines gate crew did something out of the ordinary.

They sang.

They sang "Lean on Me."

Was this expected?     Did it break the anxiety?  You can pretty much figure that out.

The unexpected.  The surprising.  There's a lot of value in these things.  It is human nature to get so locked into the anticipated, which in turn prompts the "same-old" responses.   To be able to positively approach things from a new and refreshing angle is a great skill and gift.

So if someone is expecting criticism, thank them instead for what they have done well.  If they are expecting a long, drawn out meeting, gamify it or make it short or take a break for ice cream.   If someone is expecting a somber tone during a review session - be light and positive.   Play jazz.  Dim the lights or turn the lights up.   Take someone out for coffee or lunch or a walk around. Just do something different that is positive. . .

The unexpected benefits more than the audience.  If we challenge ourselves to do the unexpected, all of a sudden we are looking at the issue before us from different dimensions.  How can I make this funny?  Or more interesting?   Or involving?  It makes us turn the issues around and see them from different sides - and that is always a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, consistency is a great thing.  I'm not suggesting we sacrifice that for a whim.   I am suggesting that within our frameworks, we can approach things differently;  with a refreshing point of view.   We can make a stronger difference.

Sometimes doing the unexpected. . .makes us exceptional.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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