Friday, October 25, 2019

You Will Be Given 9 Gifts Today

This is true - you will be given 9 gifts today.

To enumerate those gifts, you will need to recognize them.

It could be that unexpected expression of appreciation to you; or the look of surprise and connection when you unexpectedly thank someone else.

Even though it may not seem like a gift, that person who pops into your office to talk for fifteen minutes (when you have so much to do!), provides an opportunity for relationship building and bonding.

It could be that hallway conversation you overhear that gives you a little more information or an additional insight that enables you to be more effective.

That new person you meet today is a gift.

That moment of solace when someone recognizes it's a tough go.

It could be a new assignment, that even though it seems overwhelming, presents a great opportunity.

You will learn at least three new things today.

It could be an additional perspective on the subject at hand.  And even though you may not agree - it adds dimensionality and allows a better end product to emerge.

It is that silent observation of the dynamics between two individuals.

Connecting with another person; sharing experiences, skills, perspectives and common goals.

Anything that makes us laugh is a gift.

This is by no means an exhaustive list - it is a start.

You will be given 9 gifts today.  At least.

We only reap the benefits if we recognize these gifts and are, in turn, grateful for what we are given.

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My book "Courageous Questions, Confident Leaders" is available on Amazon Kindle.

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